About Bread & Roses Club: Virtual Sharing Circles

Find peace, connection, and a true sense of belonging in our support groups for women.

Welcome to Bread & Roses Club. Our online support groups for women provide a judgment-free space where you can nurture relationships and offer essential support, fostering genuine connections and personal growth. Our sharing circles create a unique opportunity for women to connect, share their stories, and encourage one another in a warm and inclusive environment filled with empathy and understanding. Each gathering offers a safe space to express thoughts and feelings or simply listen and find solace among others who understand, empathize, and share similar experiences on their journeys.

Our Mission: Empowering Women Through Connection

At Bread & Roses Club, our mission is to build a community where women can support each other through life's challenges and celebrate its joys. We believe in the transformative power of connection and aim to create support groups for women that uplift and empower all participants. Open to anyone who identifies as a woman, our sharing circles ensure everyone can find the connection and support they seek. By joining our vibrant network, you'll discover the magic of sharing and belonging in a space that nourishes your spirit and enhances your well-being, creating bonds that are both meaningful and enduring.

Our Origin Story: A Call for Community

Bread & Roses Club was born out of a deep-seated need for community. As a mother of young children, I often found myself yearning for the village life we hear about in legends—where women live in community, supporting and helping one another. I wanted to recreate this experience, especially for those who feel alone and isolated in their homes, desperate for connection. I envisioned a space where women could unburden themselves, witness each other's lives, and feel truly seen and heard. Everyone needs a place to tell their story and be acknowledged.

The name Bread & Roses comes from a protest song sung by women in 1911 who were fighting for decent working conditions and fair pay. These brave women demanded not just the bare necessities (bread) but also beauty and joy (roses) in their lives. By naming our club Bread & Roses, we honor this spirit of demanding a life that far exceeds mere survival. Together, in community, we remind one another that we deserve a life filled with beauty, abundance, and fulfillment.

About Our Founder: Marissa McCue Armitage

Marissa McCue Armitage is the visionary behind Bread & Roses Club. As an educator and advocate for teachers, students, and families, Marissa is passionate about bringing people together for meaningful experiences. She holds a Master’s degree from NYU and currently teaches elementary music in Maine. Her vision for the Bread & Roses Club is to create a space where women can connect deeply and thrive together, experiencing the beauty and abundance of life.

What to Expect at a Women's Circle Gathering

At our sharing circles, you can expect a warm and welcoming environment where women connect deeply. These gatherings foster a sense of community, allowing you to share your thoughts or simply listen. You'll feel validated, heard, and embraced, building meaningful relationships and finding solace in shared experiences that nourish your spirit.

  • No Preparation Required: There’s no need to prepare for our sharing circles. You're invited to show up just as you are, no matter what you're feeling. These gatherings are a space where authenticity is valued and vulnerability is welcomed.

  • Flexibility and Convenience: Women's circle gatherings are held regularly, typically lasting about an hour. Scheduled at various times, they offer flexibility to fit your schedule. These sacred times are dedicated to creating meaningful connections, where women come together to support and uplift each other.

  • A Community of Support: Our gatherings are open to anyone who identifies as a woman, ensuring that everyone can find the connection and support they seek. By joining our vibrant network, you'll become part of a community that uplifts and empowers you on your journey.

Why Join Our Support Groups for Women?

Joining a women’s circle gathering offers numerous benefits. These sharing circles provide a sense of community, emotional support, and validation. By participating in these support groups for women, you'll gain insights, celebrate joys, and find comfort in shared experiences, leading to lasting friendships and a deeper self-understanding.

  • A Safe Space for Sharing: Our gatherings are guided by simple agreements to ensure a safe environment. Confidentiality is crucial, ensuring that what happens in the circle stays there. We encourage being present and limiting distractions like cell phones. No advice or feedback is given, allowing participants to share openly without judgment or unwanted input.

  • Emotional Support and Validation: These circles ease feelings of loneliness, promoting mental and emotional well-being. By being part of these support groups for women, you'll find a community that validates your experiences and supports your journey.

  • Personal Growth and Connection: Our gatherings foster personal growth and connection by providing a space where you can explore your thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment. Whether you choose to share or listen, you'll benefit from the experience. These gatherings thrive on non-judgmental listening and shared energy.

  • Empowerment and Upliftment: The collective support and understanding among women in our sharing circles create a powerful and transformative experience for all participants. You'll leave each gathering feeling lighter, more connected, and empowered to navigate life's challenges with confidence.

Join Our Circle of Connection

We invite you to join our circle of connection and discover the transformative power of community and support. Stay updated with the latest news and events from our women’s circle gatherings by joining our email list. As part of our community, you’ll receive inspiring stories, helpful resources, and updates on upcoming online support groups for women. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect, grow, and thrive with us. Connect with us today and be part of a vibrant network that empowers and uplifts women like you.

Women Empowering Women: In Their Words

Women’s circles are an amazing support. Afterward, I feel seen, validated, and less alone-like a weight has been lifted. If you’re on the fences, give it a try! You’ll be glad you did.
The BRC women’s circle is the easiest way to feel seen, regardless of how you’re showing up on a given day. The format fosters instant connection and support and Marissa’s guidance puts any nerves at ease. Can’t think of a better way to spend an hour.
Bread and Roses Club is all the best parts of faith services, community and deep connection, but the only faith required is in the power of women.