Embracing the Autumnal Equinox: Rituals of Letting Go and Reflection in Women's Circle Gatherings and Support Circles

Fall in my family has always meant football. I’ve been surrounded by men most of my life, so it was never really a choice. The good news is: with football comes food! I love eating wings and buffalo chicken dip. Lately, we’ve been making tachos. Celebrated in Utah, they’re tater tot nachos! I highly recommend this dish for your next football Sunday meal. 

Besides football, I like to participate in the usual fall activities. I love taking walks and watching the leaves change color and fall to the ground. I like the crisp air in the mornings and the warm sunshine in the afternoons. Autumn in New England does not disappoint. The colorful foliage, the smell of fire burning, apple cider and cider donuts. The list goes on. 

The Autumnal Equinox, occurring September 22 this year, marks a change in the seasons. It’s a time when day and night are balanced equally, symbolizing balance and harmony. We transition from a summer of warmth and energy to the cooler days of autumn. This moment of balance invites us to pause, reflect, and celebrate the cyclical nature of life. 

Fall is the time of harvest. We are blessed with bounty this time of year. Apple and pumpkin picking are a favorite pastime for most of us. As we think about the harvest, it’s a welcome opportunity to celebrate the blessings we have harvested in the last year, both in terms of personal growth and accomplishments. We can practice gratitude for all that we’ve accomplished and the lessons we’ve learned.  

As trees shed their leaves, we are invited to give pause and reflect on what we’re ready to release from our lives. I am ready to release the control I think I have over my life. I’m ready to give over the reins and loosen my grip as I try to control everything in my life. What are you ready to release? What old patterns or beliefs no longer serve you? 

Rituals, especially those performed in women’s circle gatherings, can help us mark this special time of transition. A ritual is a meaningful, intentional practice or action that is performed with purpose and mindfulness. Rituals create a space for reflection, grounding, and personal growth. A women’s circle offers a safe space where we can reflect on what we need to release, set intentions, and share our experiences in supportive communities. Rituals foster a sense of connection with others. 

Ritual for Letting Go

Here is an example of a ritual that we might perform in a women’s circle gathering to symbolically let go of what no longer serves you. 

  1. Create a Sacred Space- as you join the women’s circle online, make sure to set up an altar of items that feel meaningful to you. Perhaps you add a photo of a loved one or ancestor, a candle to burn to symbolize the start of our sacred time together. You might include a plant or another object from the natural world. You’ll also need one leaf from the outdoors. Before we start, don’t forget your cozy blanket, pillows, warm socks and a hot beverage. 

  2. Next, we’ll take some time to journal or meditate on what you’re ready to let go of. These might be a bad habit, an old pattern of behavior, or a fear that no longer aligns with your values. 

  3. Write down what you want to let go of on a leaf. As you write, visualize yourself letting go of this thing. Be sure to breathe and really feel the release of this part of you. You'll instantly feel lighter and more at ease. 

  4. We’ll take turns sharing what it is we’re letting go of in the sharing circle. This is a wonderful opportunity to feel seen and heard by your sisters in the women’s circle. Hearing the stories of others can offer new insights. Speaking your truth out loud in front of the group will amplify its power. In our support groups for women, a ritual like this one provides a safe place for vulnerability and connection. 

  5. At the conclusion of the circle, you can decide what to do with that leaf. Maybe you decide to burn the leaf, therefore releasing the thing you’re letting go of. Maybe you decide to crumple it in your hand or bury it. Whatever you decide, it’s a symbolic way of letting go. 

Celebrating the autumnal equinox in a women’s circle gathering can be healing and transformative. Rituals like these must be performed in a supportive environment. Our circles are a space for women to come together, share their story, and support one another through transitions like the equinox. These gatherings offer a safe space for women to feel seen, heard and held. 

Sharing in a women’s circle provides each woman the opportunity to speak without interruption, sharing her experience. It allows her time to share her experience without advice or feedback. Rather, we hold space for her in a way that offers deep connection and understanding. For women navigating life’s changes—whether motherhood, career transitions, or personal growth—support groups for women provide the grounding and community that we all need to thrive.

This is especially important today, as many women feel isolated or disconnected from community. Participating in a support group for women, whether it’s focused on personal growth, motherhood, or simply sharing experiences, helps to recreate the sense of village that many of us are missing in modern life. It reminds us that we don’t have to navigate life’s challenges alone.

Autumn is an ideal time to gather together in a sharing circle. With its themes of balance and release, we can celebrate and reflect together, setting an intention as we move forward into the winter months. 

Join us in circle as we take advantage of the autumnal equinox to better ourselves. We’ll join in community and support one another through this seasonal transition. We all have something we’re hoping to let go of. The equinox is a perfect time to reflect on that and make a change for the better. 

Join us Monday, September 23rd at 7:00pm for this Autumnal Equinox Circle. 


Support Circles for Mothers Navigating Matrescence